
Friday, December 21, 2012


I've been very slack about updating here, so for my New Years resolution, I will try and update more often.

I can't update the website at present because my desktop computer has been broken for about 6 months. But is still limping along.

I have been updating the flickr site regularly. I added 11 photos this morning. Most of them are postcards including some lovely early cards of Tivoli performers. I have never seen these before so was quite surprised to find them.

Fanny Powers was a long term member of the Tivoli theatre company and a good friend of Harry Rickards.

I also picked up the postcard below.

This is Guiseppe Sacco Homann, the original world famous fasting man. I picked this up because it is so strange. Guiseppe has written on the back of the card thanking Mr H Brooks for his 'gustations'. I suppose even the world famous fasting man had to eat sometimes.

And of course I had to buy the postcard below.

I overpaid, but it is Charlie Chaplin and I love Charlie. It's from his Essanay film days, around 1914-15.

I have almost 800 postcards on the flickr site  so check it out at
Stage Whispers have updated the history part of their site to include an article I wrote about child labour in the theatres. Surprisingly, very little has been written about this topic. The article focuses on a scandal with a children's troupe which was deserted in India. It is available here.

For the January 2013 issue of Stage Whispers I wrote about Mrs J C Williamson, aka Maggie Moore. The only person in history to exploit the great theatre entrepreneur. Ahh that Maggie, she was an Irish scoundrel!

The new edition of Stage Whispers will be available in newsagents soon.

Happy holidays to everybody.

1 comment:

  1. Happy 2013! Yes, I bow my head in "Slack Posting" shame as well.

    We've bought the Stage Whispers issues and have dutifully shared them amongst all the aspiring actors, singers and general performers over here - everyone is very impressed with the publication.

